Sunday, August 23, 2009

post conference highs and lows.

Hi everyone

I'm back from the Annual Romance Writers of Australia conference held in Brisbane. What a great conference it was. So warm, so inspiring and so lovely to be back amongst talented writers who don't think you are mad.

After a rough start - flight cancelled at last minute - and redirected flight hours later, I finally made it to Brisbane airport. I sat next to the most lovely lady from South Africa which made the trip fly (pardon the pun). We talked about all the important subjects - family and books.

Then at the airport I had to wait for the shuttle bus and finally, finally made it to the hotel. Had argument with desk clerk about cash bond (I've never had to do that before - usually they just take an impression) and it was already 7pm by then and cocktail party (Arabian Nights) was already on. Luckily two wonderful women from my writing group took me up to my room and dressed me in quick time. Arrived at party dressed as harem girl. Met Mary Jo Putney first in the door. She was the most gracious lady. Plenty of belly dancers, a Jafar from Aladdin, and even a Saddam and a snake charmer. Don't forget the sheiks. Wonderful night.

Conference time started for me on the Saturday. Workshops and inspirational chats all topped by an all out Awards dinner. I had two special people to clap for this year and I was so proud of both of them for their outstanding efforts. You girls rock!

Sunday more workshops, the pink luncheon - we raised something like $10 thousand dollars which is so amazing. The other thing that I had to do on the Sunday was pitch myself and my current manuscript to a literary Agent. I was nervous and for some reason I seem to always get pitch appointments late on a Sunday when the editor or agent is tired of hearing pitches. Lucky me! Well, it was lucky for me as Melissa was just fabulous and I have a request to send her some of my work. Yayeee! Now, to make sure it shines so bright she needs sunnies to read it. LOL.

All in all a very successful conference.

Until next time read only the good words.

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